Supported platforms
nymea:core platform support
- Prebuild repositories for classic Debian/Ubuntu based systems (e.g. Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone black, PC)
- Recommended for community edition (tinkerers) and developer workstations
- Ubuntu Core (Snappy)
- Mender.io distribution server
- Recommended for products
- Yocto meta layers
- Recommended for products
- Source buildable on any linux based system
nymea:app platform support
- nymea:app is written in Qt and supports all platforms supported by Qt natively (better performance than WebApps, more fluid UX).
- Continuous integration releasing updates to:
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux Desktop
- Ubuntu Phone (UBPorts)
- Continuous integration releasing updates to:
- Other proven setups (experimental/tech previews)
- Kiosk: Native application suited for wall-mounted panels, kiosks and similar.
ZigBee platform support
nymea also represents a sophisticated ZigBee gateway software to manage all kinds of ZigBee devices. Please check out supported ZigBee hardware platforms at github.com/nymea/nymea-zigbee. Other hardware platforms can be implemented on request.
- ZigBee 3.0 support
- Supported models from ZigBee cluster library:
- Measurement and Sensing
- Lighting
- Closures
- Security and Safety
- Smart Energy
- Appliances
The ZigBee stack can also be obtained as closed source library / application under nymea’s commercial license. More information on how to manage ZigBee devices with nymea can be found in the user documentation under ZigBee.
nymea:cloud integration
Remote connection
- Available on Android, iOS and UBPorts
Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT coming soon …
IoT device services
- Integrated webserver
- Serves nymea-internal services (e.g. debug interface, see below)
- Can host one or more 3rd Party websites (e.g. vendor related web services, user defined websites)
- Integrated MQTT Broker
- Can act as a MQTT server/broker
- Can join other MQTT broker networks as a client
- Network Discovery
- ZeroConf supported
- UPnP supported
- Integrated webserver
Network connectivity
- Ethernet
- Autoconfiguring via DHCP
- WiFi Setup
- Integration of BerryLan for end-user friendly WiFi configuration over Bluetooth
- Ethernet
Connection interfaces
- API available on interfaces
- WebSockets/JSONRPC
- Encryption modes
- SSL: Every channel supports encryption and host verification using SSL
- Unencrypted: Encryption can be disabled if desired, not recommended
- Authentication modes
- No authentication: nymea can be configured to be openly available in the local network
- User/Password: Username and password authentication can be enabled
- Push-Button: For better user experience clients can authenticate via PushButton (Hardware support required)
- Remote connection
- nymea:core accessible from anywhere with end-user friendly setup powered by nymea:cloud
- No Port forwarding setup in firewall required
Supported device/service categories
- Extended support for known device/service classes
- Access control (fingerprint readers, keycards etc)
- Awnings, blinds, shutters
- Battery powered devices (support for battery alert states)
- Buttons/switches
- Lights (simple, dimmable, color)
- Power sockets
- Smart meters
- Doors, gates (garage gates etc)
- Sensors (humidity, temperature, moisutre, pressure, light, …)
- Media (controlling media devices)
- Alerts/notifications (send alerts e.g. low battery, intruder detection)
- Weather services
- Operating system (allows nymea controlling the system it runs on e.g. trigger updates)
- many more…
- Any other device/service can be integrated with flexible and generic states/events/actions
Rules can be defined to add smart behavior to devices/services
- Rules are triggered by state changes and events
- By a single device/service (e.g. sensor X reports value Y)
- By a category (e.g. Any of my devices runs out of battery)
- Rules evaluate further state in the system
- Rules change device states or trigger actions on devices
- On a single or on multiple selected device/service (e.g. turn on light 1 and light 3)
- On a category of devices/services (e.g. close all gates)
- Rules can be marked as scenes
- Scenes can be triggered
- Create a scene by making a rule executable so it can be triggered by a client
- Rules are triggered by state changes and events
- Event based Actions - On sunrise open the blinds
- Actions triggered on State changes - Whenever the doorlock state changes send a notification
- Action triggered by a certain state value - When door lock is closed activate the alarm
- Exit actions - When door lock is not locked any more, deactivate the alarm.
- Time triggered Actions - Every Tuesday and Thursday turn on the hot tub heating at 4p.m and turn it off at 8 p.m
- Device type based actions - On button pressed turn all lights off
- Value takeover - If message received send a push-notification with the content in the text body.
- Example Nuimo turning knob turning status linked to the hue brightness
- Various combination - Combine time frames with state values and events to trigger multiple actions.
- Rule Active/Inactive - For example a irrigation rule doesn’t have to be deleted rather set inactive when not needed
- Tags can be added to all things and rules
- Group devices by rooms, buildings etc…
- Tag devices/services as favorites
- An optional debug webinterface for easy troubleshooting, debugging and filing support requests
- Allows to get all information, configuration and logs of the system
- Sophisticated debug log system (Turn on/off debugging of individual parts of the system)
Developer support
- Qt SDK (QtCreator, QDoc)
- nymea QtCreator Wizard integration for easy plugin development
- All standard C++ development/debugging/profiling tools are supported
- Fully documented
- https://nymea.io/documentation/developers
- https://forum.nymea.io
- Supported hardware layers
- Hardware/Protocol abstraction layers for easy plugin development available
- ZigBee
- Bluetooth
- CoaP
- WiFi/Ethernet/Internet connected devices/services (e.g. HTTP REST APIs usable with minimal code effort)
- Any other transport protocols can be used hand-crafted in a plugin
- All libraries available in Linux available to use
- Plartforms
- nymea:core development supported on Linux (Linux VM on other systems can be used)
- nymea:app development supported on all Platforms supported by Qt.
Log Database
- Every state, action and event is logged wihtin a database that is setup automatically with the nymea isntallation.
- State initialization - on restart of nymea the states can be configured to load the latest state before shutdown
- Database exchangeable - mySQL …
- Filter for device types
- Filter for a certain amount of entries
- Filter for entries in a given timeframe
- Filter for a dedicated device